Contact Us |
852 - 24723880 |
852 - 8344 5369 |
topsunhk@gmail.com |
No.20, Fan Kam Road, Yuen Long, Hong Kong |
Profile 簡介 |
本公司業務主要為租賃及買賣各類型升降台及 高空工作台。本公司能提供各類型升降台、高空工作台產品包括:手推及電動單人式、電動及柴油剪刀式、電動及柴油曲臂式、電動及柴油直臂式等。
我們擁有專業的銷售團隊,對租賃及買賣市場 擁有深度了解及廣泛認識,無論是升降台、高空工作台買賣或租賃業務,我們都能為客戶提供快捷而穩妥的服務,表現出卓昇以客為先,以質取勝的服務精神。 |
The major leasing company’s business / trading all types of aerial work platforms. Our company can provide various types of aerial work platforms, including: Personnel lift, elect. & diesel scissor lift, elect. & diesel articulating boom lift, elect. & diesel telescopic boom lift. We have a professional sales team, which has a very deep understanding of the leasing and sale market, also with extensive knowledge of both sale and leasing of aerial work platform services.
We can provide customers with fast and secure service showing the rich customers-first, the service attentive professionalism. We care,we do for the best! |